Steam Cleaning

Have you heard? Loyal Line Red Steam Cleaning restores and cleans stonework! The specially trained team can pull years of dirt and oil from porous travertine, slate, granite, Saltillo and other stone tiles. Smart Touch Steam Cleaning offers individualized assessments and cleanings with an unmatched personal attention to detail. The stonework team will restore any stone surface to its natural, polished state.
Unlike other hard surface floors, stone tiles must be cleaned exclusively with alkaline-based products. Acids found in other cleaning agents can permanently damage stonework.
Loyal Line Red Steam Cleaning uses only the best cleaning products and methods for each type of stone. The expert team strips, cleans and then seals the stonework in order to reveal its true and natural beauty. Certain types of stone tile can last for one hundred years, and a Saltillo treatment from Loyal Line Red Steam Cleaning is guaranteed for twenty years.
Loyal Line Red Steam Cleaning is prepared for any stone surface -- from a poolside marble shower to a bank paved with glossy travertine tiles. Only skilled experts treat stone floors and surfaces in order to ensure quality in every home and business. The Loyal Line Red Steam Cleaning team is dedicated to making these stones of the earth last for years to come.